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Lauren Drury

I love my sling - I just put it in the car and wherever we are I can carry my DD without breaking an arm!


A Reliadose medicine bottle. It made giving my son his medication so easy. It works in such a way that I know he gets all the medicine and I do not have to worry about him spitting it back out at me.


The jogging stroller its the ATV of the baby world!


Apart from diapers and wipes, I have to say the stroller! We love to go on walks and shopping and with the stroller it's so much easier. Thanks for the great give away!

Susan Smith

The jogging stroller keeps us both in shape

christopher h

i have to agree with the others - jogging stroller

bob keck

It's all about the paragoric. Gotta get some sleep, understand?

Donna Hunt

I'm a little more "old-school"--the 4-in-1 stroller is the best thing I received. We travel a lot and it's so easy to use. I can even go out for a walk--my favorite exercise--without a great deal of fuss. I can even bring the items with me for any errands I need to do without using space for my son. The items fit easily in the diaper bag in the bottom just in case we take longer than expected. Thank you for the contest!

Kari Follett

Call me old fashioned but I couldn't live without my glider/rocking chair. Didn't need bottles (breastfed) didn't need diapers (cloth) didn't need a crib (co-slept) My 3rd baby so i had all other "stuff" and by that time I had learned that you don't "need" a lot of extras!!!


I am all about the Miracle Blanket. It kept my very active infant asleep and unable to wake herself from jerks and movements at night up until 8 months. She went from sleeping 2-3 hours to 5-8 hours in it! I will definitely be bringing my second home from the hospital in it!!


I couldn't live without my Snugli baby carrier. I've used it for both my babies. I even got an extra one to keep in the car for shopping. It is nice to be able to carry the baby hands free and be able to get things done around the house or to shop.


The boppy was a lifesaver for me for nursing!

Sharon Jones

Wipes...I use them for EVERYTHING...to clean the baby...wash my own hands, wipe down things...they're the best thing!


The swing is the best invention ever! My son hates the playpen and highchair but love love loves the swing!


Boppy definately! This helped alot with feeding.


I couldn't have lived without the baby swing. My daughter LOVED it.


COuldn't live without the baby carrier - I find there is no other way to calm baby down sometiems then to walk with her in the carrier, and she is just too heavy to carry without it!

valerie mabrey

I love the bath roll I was given. It has rolled pillow type things on both ends so the baby will not roll off and easy wipe off after bath.

Molly B.

I couldn't live without my bouncy seat. My son slept in it when he was little and now sits in it while I do dishes or take a potty break!


Definitely my stroller! I have three, just to make sure there's one in every vehicle and in the garage, ready, come what may! Thanks!


I'm going with my cloth diapers. Obviously they serve the diaper purpose, but I also use them for burp rags, and cleaning up other messes. When baby is potty trained I can use them to clean the house, too!

(and I'm not sure I could get by without my boppy, either.)

Laura Ch.

My patemm changing pad! I gift one to all my first time mommy friends. It's the best!!


I love my Boppy pillow for so many uses and my Chicco baby carrier... both help save my shoulders from carrying around a heavy bundle!
Marissa :)

Mary @ Adventures in Mommyland

I love my boppy pillow too. I used it to sleep with when I was pregnant, then used it for my daughter when she was a baby for nursing, tummy time, propping up, etc. Now I'm using it again as a sleep pillow. Great giveaway, thanks!

Danielle S

I couldn't live with out baby wipes! We use them for everything. They work miracles on my couches and car seats when there are spills. They also work as well or better than expensive makeup remover cloths, I could keep going...

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